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Now we can offer a Devon Larratt Armwrestling Strap, i.e. a wider version of a strap, which is closely associated with Devon, as he uses and promotes this version of Armwrestling Straps. Welcome to visit the product page through the link below to read more and get your hands on one.

Devon Larratt Armwrestling Strap 38mm (1.5β€³) (1pcs)

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#armsportbutiken #armsportstore #armwrestlingstore
#nextlevelstrength #armsport #armbrytning #armwrestling #armfight #strength #gripstrength #larrywheels #devonlarratt #johnbrzenk #toddzilla #apparel #merchandise #merch #getbent #getstrong

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John Brzenk uses our Armwrestling Straps!

John Brzenk Armwrestling Straps

We are proud and excited to see THE G.O.A.T. John Brzenk use our Armwrestling Straps. If our straps are good enough for the world’s best armwrestler of all time, then everyone can be sure that the straps holds the highest quality!
Our straps have been sold in the thousands to armwrestlers and clubs all over the world. Known for their incredible durability while being comfortable and easy to tighten and loosen. So visit the store and buy world-class arm wrestling straps too!

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Now they are finally here! We now have Armwrestling Straps – PREMIUM in stock!

They are here now!
Our long-awaited Armwrestling Straps – PREMIUM πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ
Our straps have also been affected by the ongoing Corona outbreak (not infected, however πŸ˜‰), but with a loooooooooooong waiting time, so now it is little Christmas Eve when they finally arrived!
Get yourself a package here!