Contact us

Need to make a Complaint, Cancel your order or use your Right Of Withdrawal*?
Click here for further information (or scroll down to the bottom of the page).

Contact information:


Company information:

Armsport Sverige AB

VAT number: SE559159733001

Company location: Karlstad, Sweden

Delivery address:

Armsport Sverige AB
Hemvagen 1 D
653 47 Karlstad

Complaints, Cancellation & Right Of Withdrawal*

* Right Of Withdrawal applies to EU customers only

The following information is required for us to handle your case:

  • Full name
  • Phone number
  • Order number
  • Product name & SKU
  • The reason for the complaint alternatively state that you want to cancel your order or use your Right Of Withdrawal*.

Please contact us by e-mail: and provide us with the information above so that we can process your request without unnecessary delays.


For some payment methods, like PayPal and WooPayments (Stripe) there is a fee deducted at the time of the purchase. You as a customer will be responsible for covering these fees if you cancel the order as they are non-refundable. In this case the refunded amount will be lower then the purchase amount due to these fees.

Disputes & Out-of-court procedures for EU customers only!

If you aren’t happy with our service or the resolution of a complaint with us, you have the possibility to make an official dispute through Online Dispute Resolution provided by
Read more here: Out-of-court procedures for consumers
If you wish to open a dispute you can do it here: Online Dispute Resolution.