In 2025, the company will shift focus on the product range that will be offered to our customers. Unfortunately, competition from so-called drop-shipping companies has made it impossible to continue selling handles and other heavier products. For those who do not know what drop-shipping is, it means when stores do not provide their own product inventory, but the customer orders through a store and the products are sent (normally) from manufacturers in China. In most cases, this means that customers can buy products at a low price, but at the expense of long delivery times and substandard quality of the products. Companies that engage in this type of sales also in most cases refrain from paying VAT and other taxes, which makes the competitive situation unsustainable for companies that actually do the right thing.
This has meant that we are discontinuing the sale of all heavier products and instead focusing on straps, t-shirts and other products that are unique to us. Our straps have been sold in the thousands to athletes and clubs all over the world. The “Armsport.nu” straps can be seen in many videos from both professionals and amateurs from countries around the world, which makes us extremely proud. Now we are waiting for a new set of our Premium straps with the “Armsport.se” brand which will have the same fantastic material that has made our straps famous and of course with a buckle that can withstand much higher loads than our competitors. We have also adjusted the length of the straps and added 5-7 cm which we felt was missing when heavyweights are using the straps, as in many cases there was only a couple of centimeters of strap left to use for tightening. This has now been addressed with the Premium straps we are currently selling in the store and will continue to be the standard for our new straps. We have also received the Devon Larratt version of our Lion Straps, which is something that many customers have requested. Unfortunately, the material costs for straps have generally increased in price, which is a consequence of the inflation that has been going on in recent years. We also do not want to compromise on quality and have instead adjusted the prices accordingly. However, you should keep in mind that a strap lasts a very long time, as you can easily wash our straps in the washing machine and thus restore them to new condition, which is something we recommend to our customers.
If you as a customer have any questions about the above or about our products, you are most welcome to contact us. We have always focused on offering excellent customer service that is both fast and personal. We do not use “templates” and generic answers to our customers’ inquiries. Instead, with us you always get answers from a real person who understands what you as a customer want help with and what level of service you expect. Our reviews speak for themselves, as customers generally give us the highest rating for customer service.
So feel welcome to contact us here: Contact us!