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The new versions of Multispinner & Wrist Wrench handles are now in stock!

Multispinner Handle

They are finally here, our new generation of Multispinner & Wrist Wrench handles!
Now made out of steel, which guarantees that you get a handle that will last many, many years to come.

Read more about our new Multispinner handle here.
Read more about our new Wrist Wrench handle here.

As the handles are made of steel, with laser-cut slots for the straps and powder-coated with a special color, the price is higher than on our previous plastic handles. Unfortunately, higher quality and durability means that the price will also be higher. All parts for manufacture the handles cost a lot and we always aim to sell products at the lowest possible price. In this case, however, you get a unique handle that is well worth the money, as everything is of absolute highest quality. If you buy a handle like this, you have a training partner who will be with you for a long time to come.
Unfortunately, we have a limited stock of both types of handles as it costed us both time and money to develop these new handles. But we are working hard to get more handles as soon as possible. If you want to avoid waiting, you should get yours before they are out of stock.

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Important information regarding Multispinner & Wrist Wrench handles!

As you have noticed, we have sold out of our Multispinner & Wrist Wrench handles and the products have now been discontinued. This is because our previous manufacturer decided to stop manufacturing products, which is really sad, as the handles maintained a very high quality and have been appreciated by our customers due to the unique grip surface that no one else uses.
BUT we have good news, we are working full time with the manufacturer of our steel handles (Robert Baraban) to produce new versions of these handles with the same excellent grip surface and even better quality, as the handles will be made of steel pipe instead of PVC. This means that longevity and durability increase drastically and we will be able to provide completely unique handles that are not available at any other store in the world.
Unfortunately, it is a time-consuming job to develop new products, so we hope for your patience as we expect to get these new handles during the fall. The manufacturer is currently developing prototypes and after that is completed they will be tested. After the evaluation, there may be some adjustments, for example regarding the painting mixture, etc.
So our hope is to be able to offer these new handles in September (with a little luck, already in August), depending on how much adjustments that needs to be done and different lead times for materials and so on.
We will promote these on our Social Media channels and through our blog when they are available for sale.

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We stop selling Multispinner Handle & Wrist Wrench Handle …

Unfortunately, our manufacturer of these handles has suffered a personal tragedy and thus the handle manufacturing will be put on hold…
We are truly sorry for this and unfortunately there is no other manufacturer that can manufacture these completely unique handles. We still have a bunch of handles in stock, so if you want to be sure to get one before they run out, you should hurry up before the stock runs out.

Of course, we hope that our manufacturer will be able to resume production in the future, but at present there is no plan for when this could happen.

EDIT 2022-03-01:
We now sell Multispinner Handles and Wrist Wrench Handles from a new manufacturer and you will find information about the products below.
Multispinner Handle
Wrist Wrench Handle

Best regards,